Desborough Surgery

01494 526006

Hazlemere Surgery

01494 711954

Phone lines open

8.30am – 1pm & 2pm – 6pm

Change of Details

Please let us know as soon as possible if your address or name changes. You will need to supply us with proof of your new details:-

  1. Utility bill –gas/electric/ water/ TV
  2. Land line phone bill
  3. Tenancy agreement
  4. Council tax bill
  5. Council rent book
  6. Household or motor insurance certificate
  7. HM Revenue & Customs documents
  8. Working family or children or disabled persons tax credit/HMRC tax
  9. Credit card bill
  10. Bank statement
  11. Passport/Marriage Certificate or Certificate of Deed Poll

You can print the “Change of Address or Name form” below then bring the completed form with the relevant supporting identity documents to reception for verification.

Change of address or name form

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Advice, tips and tools for health & wellbeing
How medicine work & possible side effects
options & where to get the best support