How To Register As A New Patient
Your home address must fall within our catchment area to register as a patient with Desborough or Hazlemere Surgery. Our catchment area does vary depending on which surgery you wish to register with.
Please print off both a family Doctor services registration form (GMS1) and a new patient registration form. Please complete the forms and bring them in, together with a Proof of Identity plus a photocopy of the Proof of identity for us to keep, your Proof of Address so we can establish that you live in our catchment area and we have the correct up to date details recorded. If registering a child with the NHS for the first time please provide written details of all childhood vaccines administered abroad.
- Proof of Identity – a photographic ID such as a DRIVING LICENCE or PASSPORT with your date of birth and full name and
- Proof of Address – (as evidence that your address is within the Practice area) such as a UTILITY BILL or BANK STATEMENT
- NHS Number – If you have been registered with another GP or received any NHS care you should have a 10 digit number
- GMS1 new – please note the additional question on page 2 of THE GMS1 FORM NEEDS COMPLETING FOR ALL APPLICANTS together with 1 of the following for each applicant:-
- New Patient Registration Form-Adult v14.2 082019 – this MUST be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS. Please complete one form for each member of your family applying + GMS1
- New Child Patient Registration Form 0 – 16 year’s old – this must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS and bring in a PASSPORT or a BIRTH CERTIFICATE + GMS1 or a completed FP58 form only for new born babies.
- New Born Babies – parents or guardians can register a baby by completing and presenting form FP58 which is usually issued at the same time as the birth certificate
Registrations may take up to 7 days, appointments cannot be made until registration has completed – if you need urgent medical attention prior to registration please use the NHS 111 service.
You will also be asked to complete a new patient questionnaire. It is very important that we have as much information as possible about your past medical history as it may be some time before your records reach us.
Please ensure you complete all the Registration Forms before bringing them into the surgery in person, along with all your supporting documents. Due to the time necessary to check your application documents we would kindly request that registration visits are made after 2pm Mon-Fri.
You can begin the registration process by using the new Register with a GP online service (you will still need to visit the GP surgery in person with your ID etc.)
At the time of registration every patient is automatically given a “summary care record” – more information about SCR and expressing your choices can be found at: NHS England Summary Care
Patients are reminded that registering with a GP surgery does not automatically entitle you to free NHS hospital treatment.
Helpful Documents for You
Proof of identity: list of acceptable documents
- current, valid full passport (certified copies must show nationality, place and date of birth, passport number, expiry date, photograph and signature)
- current, valid full UK photo-card driving licence with signature or ‘old style’ driving licence
- current, valid UK photo-card provisional licence
- Northern Ireland Voter’s Card showing your current address
- Armed Forces ID Card
- Residence permit showing your full name and current address is. This is issued by the Home Office to non-EU Nationals on sight of your own country’s passport.
- Firearms certificate or shotgun licence
- HM Revenue & Customs (Inland Revenue) tax document eg. tax assessment, statement of account, notice of coding. It must contain your full name and current address. P45s and P60s are not acceptable
- original notification letter from the relevant benefits agency confirming the right to benefits or state pension
Proof of address: list of acceptable documents dated within the last 3 months
- household utility bill (eg gas, electric, water or fixed line telephone but not a mobile phone bill). It must be no more than three months old and show your name and current address
- current, valid full UK photo-card driving licence with signature or ‘old style’ driving licence. Provisional licences are not acceptable as proof of address
- bank, building society or credit card statement. It must be no more than three months old and show your name and current address
- local authority tax bill (e.g. council tax) valid for the current year
- local authority rent book
- solicitor’s letter confirming recent house purchase or land registry confirmation (in this case, proof of previous address will also be needed)
- HM Revenue & Customs (Inland Revenue) tax document e.g. tax assessment, statement of account. It must contain your full name and current address. P45’s and P60’s are not acceptable
- original notification letter from the relevant benefits agency confirming the right to benefits or state pension
Join Our Patient Group
The NHS is in changing times and may present an opportunity for you to influence the future of your local health care provision. This Practice together with our Patient Participation Group (PPG) would like to establish a wider Patient Reference Group. We have a virtual PPG, an email community that gives patients who cannot attend PPG meetings on a face to face basis, a method of feedback that will allow the Practice to effectively reach the broadest cross-section of our community. This group provides feedback through occasional short surveys on the range and quality of services offered by the practice. This would only take a few minutes of your time. If you would be willing to participate please would you let us have your email address. If you are joining the Practice, we would warmly welcome and encourage you to join our PPG.